Neurological Assessment

Mental Status: Alert and orientated to person, places, and time. Patient identifies

Cranial Nerves: All 12 Cranial Nerves


Optic-Test by confrontation (peripheral vision intact)

Occulomotor, Trochlear, and Abducens- Six cardinal positions of gaze and H-Test

Trigeminal- Light touch on face

Facial- Muscle activity when smiling, frowning, puffing cheeks, tightly closing eyes.

Vestibulocochlear- Whisper test

Glossopharyngeal- Uvula raises upon phonation.

Vagus and Spinal Accessory- Muscle strength (Trapezius and Sternocleidomastiod)

Hypoglossal- Tongue midline when protruding, impaired cranial nerve will result in abnormal tongue placement.

Motor System: Gait and balance

Sensory System: Light touch in upper and lower extremities

Reflexes: Hyporeflex and Hyperreflex grade for Knee Reflex. Reflex signals are not processed in the brain, messages are sent to the spinal cord only.

About luissanchezvera

Registered Nurse
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